
English: Business Park Several small businesse...

Commercial, industrial, business, service, sales, support. This is a relatively broad business description and covers most business types. It has been used by members of SAPO over the past decade to help many thousands of entrepreneurs from all backgrounds and from all walks of life to start their own small businesses through the registration of appropriate entities such as close corpora

tions or private companies.
The South Africa Peoples Organisation exists to help business help the people. The people in turn are empowered to engage in business or work contracts which in turn should be designed to help other people. And so the productive cycle of business / job expansion goes on.
This cycle does not just happen. Both business and the people have to be prepared to make it happen and to sustain it to mutual advantage.
Business must realise, that, in most cases, with the right mix of inputs and resources, it can improve its financial position whilst simultaneously improving the headcount and lot of workers. It takes a measure of good planning, organising and implementation in order to achieve this. SAPO positions itself as a facilitator in this process.
Businesspersons must be assisted in replanning their businesses for improvements in profitability, market share, job creation, etc. Individuals are encouraged to enter business or start their own business, or to better prepare themselves for entry into the workforce if currently jobless.
“Business and Entrepreneurship” must be a compulsory subject in all primary and secondary schools.
